Is meaning important in poetry? Why or why not? How about in the visual arts? Is meaning important? How hard is too hard, when it comes to trying to understand meaning?
Meaning is important in poetry because then it helps with
the understanding of a poem. Writing a poem with meaning can also help people
who read the poem and want to relate to it. By having meaning you can help
people relate to the poem. In the visual arts I don’t think you always need a meaning but it can help
with adding symbolism to pieces. Meaning can have different different
definitions too, the only meaning to something you just be the placement of
where things are. In something more typographical I’m not usually creating
something with huge meaning behind it, the meaning usually comes from why I put
something where it is. Having a more complex meaning in a painting can be more useful
to people because typically people spend more time looking at a painting
wondering what the meaning could be. In my opinion there’s meaning behind
everything an artist does but “meaning” doesn’t always mean the same thing to
people. I don’t think you should have to think too hard about understanding the
meaning behind something because it isn’t always meant to be obvious. Poems and
the visual arts are different because a poems meaning is supposed to be the intended
meaning the writer had.
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